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Responsive HCM Solutions Boost HR Technology Adoption Rates | OnePoint Human Capital Management

Written by onepoint-admin | Feb 26, 2019 11:17:36 AM

Choose HCM Solutions that meet employee expectations and increase the value and ROI of your HCM investment

Purchasing and implementing an HCM solution is a daunting task. It takes considerable time and effort to generate requirements and demo and compare different vendor software.  Then negotiate contracts, and ensure a smooth deployment and training for the new technology.

But the work doesn’t stop there. If employees don’t use new systems, the return on investment will fall far short of expectations. Even the most innovative or feature-rich systems will languish if HR doesn’t make a compelling case for how the new tech will make employees’ lives easier or work processes more efficient.

Go for simplicity in your HCM solution

Brian Kropp, head of the HR practice at research and advisory firm Gartner, says companies may be setting themselves up for failure if they invest in cutting-edge functionality without testing how intuitive and easy it is for employees to master.

Employees expect their work technology experience to be consistent with the online apps they use everyday. Popular commercial and social media sites are easy to use and provide exceptional mobile user interfaces. New technology that doesn’t display well on mobile or requires accessing different apps simply creates barriers to user adoption.

As the workforce becomes more diverse, including remote employees, contractors, gig workers, younger workers and more, responsive HCM solutions that are device flexible, help companies meet new technology expectations of workers — whether they’re in a traditional office, coffee, shop, vehicle, or working on site.

Consistent HCM Interface on any device

Improving user adoption also requires understanding that what motivates people to embrace new technology.  Unfortunately this can vary considerably by individual, said Dan Staley, global HR technology leader with consulting and research firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). “Whether employees begin to incorporate new technologies into their regular work routines depends in part on how new systems are presented to them,” he said.

Consider this: what if you could engage your employees on a responsive hcm solution starting from the application process?


Presenting responsive HCM solutions starting at the application process can have a dramatic impact on the applicant’s interest in joining an organization. Younger workers are increasingly preferring mobile devices to conduct jobs searches. Companies that don’t offer a mobile optimized interface might miss out on the next great employee. Progressing through the hiring process, responsive HCM solutions deliver a consistent experience during onborading, benefits enrollment and self service.   This increase adoption rates in the long-term and can have a dramatic affect on employee retention. HRDrive reported that Workers at technology laggard organizations are 450 percent more likely to want to leave than workers at tech leaders. Message to HR: People take action when you put information in formats they want to access.

Empower employees with a customizable experience

Responsive experiences aren’t just about submitting requests or punching in and out from remote locations. Employees should be able to complete all tasks on any device, giving them autonomy and making them feel engaged in their work — no matter where they are.

Handling tasks and request via mobile can help certain employees, but remember different groups need different things. Contractors and gig workers have different needs than traditional employees, as do salaried vs. hourly employees, managers vs. staff, or even part-time vs. full-time workers. Responsive HCM solutions provide flexibility without loosing functionality.

The ability to configure self service dashboards to highlight relevant, common tasks provides instant value.  Quick links to related activities make the system easier to use and can increase productivity for any user.  Accounting for the varying needs and priorities of the subsets of your employee population increases perceived value for HCM and improves adoption rates by allowing them to interact with the HCM platform when and how they want.

Keep it Unified

Another reason new HR technologies often go underutilized is the lack of a clear vision for their purchase, said Sarah Brennan, founder and chief strategist of Accelir, an HR advisory and research firm in Milwaukee. Sometimes companies purchase multiple technologies that duplicate functions and create redundant tasks because they don’t integrate.”

An important advantage of responsive HCM solutions is the ability to simplify and streamline tasks, and give employees a single login to access their information. Whichever device is being used, it should be easy for employees to find the specific, day-to-day actions they need to complete, and there shouldn’t be any confusion about functionality depending on device. In fact, an all-in-one HCM platform builds trust with employees and managers because everyone is using the same system and the same data. Not having to reconcile data across multiple databases, or login to multiple systems provides a consistent experience and reliability that employees and managers can trust.

Performance Today, Plan For The Future

The responsive employee experience is an essential part of the technologies that will fuel the
future of work. When evaluating an HCM platform consider your workforce today and how it might evolve.  Solutions that deliver a unified, consistent user experience will increase adoption rates in the short term. But also makes your HCM selection a strategic long-term investment.

As the workforce changes to a higher percentage of younger workers, implementing responsive design principles today ensures that you can meet the expectations and needs of future employees and scale the optimized experience for ease of use, availability, and transparency on any device.  Contact OnePoint for a personalized demonstration of our responsive HCM platform