Open Shift Overview
As managers go through the normal process of scheduling, it is possible there could still be open shifts that exist on posted schedules and based on several factors, including employees out on leave, vacations, work preferences, increased demand, etc.
Managers still need to assign these shifts and open shift self service is and efficient way to post these open shifts to employees so they can volunteer for the shifts they would like to take. Employees can review the Open Shift Dashboard and pick up shifts from their mobile device.
Doing this can increase engagement and morale reducing the possibility of employees calling in to avoid working shifts for which they may have been assigned. -
Shift Swap Overview
If an employee wishes to work a shift other than the one for which they are currently scheduled, a great option for them to have is to request a Shift Swap.
The system automatically controls shift swap by making sure certain criteria are met: The employee is assigned the correct skill, the employee is able to work for the assigned cost center, and their Work Time Availability fits the shift timeframe. Employees and their shifts that match these criteria will be listed as Eligible for Swapping. Shifts need to be approved by the employee’s peer as well as by management for further control.
Request for Coverage Overview
If an employee wishes to give up a shift for which they are currently scheduled, the employee can submit a Request for Coverage. This is used when an employee wishes to have a peer work for them for a given shift without taking on another shift; which is essentially the first half of a Shift Swap. This request is routed through the same automated approval process as a Shift Swap for manager visibility.