USCIS Releases New I-9 Form

Posted by bop-admin on Nov 16, 2016 10:24:51 PM

Employee records checklistThe USCIS released the new I-9 form on November 14. The new smart I-9 is now a fillable pdf intended to be easier to use and reduce errors.   The old form will remain valid through January 21, 2017. After that date, employers must use the new form.  OnePoint will make the new I-9 form available in an upcoming release prior to the expiration date.  We will have more details and training coming soon.

The I-9 form is available so it is recommend that employers review the new form and begin training employees who are responsible for completing I-9 to become familiar with the new form to be ready to start using it for new hires as soon as it is available.

Please note some important guidelines during the transition period:

1) Until the expiration date the USCIS will accept the current version of the I-9 form.

2) OnePoint will make the new I-9 form available in an upcoming release prior to the expiration date.

3) Do not reverify current employees due to the new form.

4) All previous I-9 forms must be retained for the proper retention period. The form must be retained for as long as the employee works for you, plus three years after their hire date or one year after their termination date, whichever is later.

5) The new "smart" I-9 should not be confused with an electronic I-9. An employer must still print the completed I-9, obtain the appropriate signatures (which are not fillable via PDF), monitor reverifications, and retain the form for the proper retention period.

The new form and instructions are available on the USCIS website

To download the new PDF form versions and instruction from the USCIS website visit  Click on the link to the new form—“Form I-9 (PDF, 535 KB)” – and it should download the pdf to your desktop.  You will need a current version of a PDF reader software to view the form.

Topics: HR Alert, HR Compliance, Human Resources