We continue to launch awesome new features and enhancements throughout the OnePoint HCM platform in the June Release, R75. We highlight 7 exciting enhancements that address critical workforce issues that are top of mind for clients. Administrators and HR teams now have great new tools to customize the offer letter and create more engaging onboarding experiences. New dashboard enhancements reduce the time and effort to create and push dashboards out across different profiles. There are also important time saving features ready for use including customized “My To-do Items”, new criteria built into auto scheduling, and custom forms for Leaves of Absence.
Talent Management - Onboarding and Performance
Offer Letter Workflows:
Back in the December release, new functionality was launched to streamline Offer Letters. In the June release, this functionality is continuing to grow. This new functionality is intended to give the user the ability to configure in such a way that multiple managers can take action (approve/modify/reject) and finalize accordingly. In this way the workflow allows for customization of the offer letter so you can tailor the way your organization extends offers to candidates.
Who will use it: Recruiters/HR
The full release of the preboarding portal is a game changer when it comes to onboarding new employees.
Once offer letters are signed, you can now create and deliver new hires the Preboarding Portal. Preboarding concept is a powerful tool to create a different level of engagement for new hires between signing the offer letter and the first day of work. The portal can be customized with videos, maps, social feeds, downloads and more to showcase organizational values and culture. It also holds employee paperwork for new hires to get started on before their first day, saving everyone tons of time. Starting at a new organization isn’t easy, especially when hiring remotely, so the preboarding portal is going to be an amazing resource for new hires and recruiters alike.
Who will use it: HR/Recruiters and Applicants
Performance Goals: Cascading and Aligning Public/Private Goals
When it comes to performance goals, this enhancement allows managers with subordinates to designate the goal as public or private. If goals are set to public, the system links the associated goals together so they can be seen as impacting each other.
You can also align goals, which is the same as cascade, except it is associated up to a manager's goals. Aligning goals gives visibility to team efforts toward several common goals during the year. You will also see the Goal Tree icon/button is available on the Performance Development report page. When selected, a graphical view of the goals will display showing cascaded and aligned goals and how they impact each other. Within the tree view, a percentage complete indicator will display for each goal and each employee for whom a goal has been assigned.
Who will use it: Managers, Employees, and Admins
Dashboards Enhancements
Dashboard Tab and Custom Tab
Since the release of the new user interface we have continued to invest in our reporting and dynamic dashboards. In this release we have enhanced the ability for administrators to create and publish dashboards with the Dashboard Tab Library and the Custom Tab. The Dashboard Library Tab allows Administrators to manage content from a variety of dashboards in one place. This saves tons of time and lets you leverage the same content on multiple dashboards.

We also added the Custom Tab to Dashboard Tab Library. When you create a custom tab administrators now have the ability to assign the dashboard to several dashboard layout profiles at once. Administrators no longer have to jump in and out of different profiles to create dashboards. This makes rolling out dashboards so much easier for all admins at Danny’s organization.
Administrators now have the ability to Publish Changes from the Dashboard Configuration Page. With this dashboard enhancement, you can publish any changes made from the dashboard configuration page. As you are rolling out new dashboards to your organization, you can publish as you create the dashboards. This saves time and streamlines the dashboard creation process.
Last but not least is the new audit type columns added to the Dashboard Tab Library audit page. Administrators can now view who and when actions were performed.
The columns added are:
- Created By - Provides the full name of the user who created a tab.
- Modified By - Provides the full name of the user who last modified a tab.
- Last Modified - The date and time when a tab was last modified.
Who will use it: Admins
Workforce Management Enhancements
“My To Do” Items: Save View, Save as View, and Manage Views Added
The latest “My To Do” functionality allows admins and managers to use Save View, Save as View, and Manage Views Added in their to-do list. This means different admins can customize their to-do list views based on how they use this list. HR can now have a specific view related to the HR team, while the payroll administrator can customize a different view with payroll items. Since the to-do items shows exactly what you need to see you can respond to actions quickly,
Who will use it: Admins and Managers
Scheduler: Added Seniority and Skill Level as Criteria When Auto Assigning Shifts:
This latest scheduler enhancement, allows seniority and skill level to be taken into account when auto assigning shifts. Seniority and skill level are essential pieces of information needed when scheduling in many industries, since some shifts may require a certain skill from the employees. This would typically need to be done by the scheduler by memory, but now employee's Seniority date will now be considered by the scheduling engine for shift auto assignment. In addition, Skill Level in the Skills widget of the Employee Profile will also be considered by the scheduling engine.
As of this release, the seniority date takes precedence over skill level.
Who will use it: Managers/Production Schedulers
Leave of Absence: Custom Forms
Many organizations have custom forms employees must fill out as part of the leave of absence process. With this enhancement, your custom forms can now be added to and managed through the Leave of Absence process. This way everything related to an employee leave can be automated and is stored in one place, making it easier to track leave and stay compliant.
Who will use it: HR Admins and Employees
R75 Release Notes are available in the service provider documents area and available in you client portal.